Survey Action Center
Latest Developments for the Survey Action Center

Landmine Impact Surveys Ongoing in 9 Countries
ANGOLA - On-going RWANDA - Watch ZIMBABWE - Watch MOZAMBIQUE - Completed GUINEA BISSAU - Watch GAMBIA - Watch SUDAN - Watch CHAD - Completed YEMEN - Completed COLOMBIA - Advanced Survey Mission Planned ECUADOR - Watch PERU - Watch SRI LANKA - Advanced Survey Mission Planned VIETNAM - On-going JORDAN - Watch LEBANON - On-going AZERBAIJAN - On-going GEORGIA - Watch ALBANIA - Watch BOSNIA - HERZEGOVINA - On-going CROATIA - Watch ERITREA - On-going SOMALIA - On-going ETHIOPIA - On-going AFGHANISTAN - On-going LAOS - Watch MYANMAR - Watch CAMBODIA - Completed THAILAND - Completed TAJIKISTAN - Watch UZBEKISTAN - Watch CONGO, DRC - Watch
Survey Working Group United States of America United States of America Sweden Norway Afghanistan Germany GeoSpatial International Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation Swedish Rescue Services Agency United Nations Mine Action Service Norwegian Peoples Aid Mines  Advisory Group Mine Clearance Planning Agency MEDICO International Landmine Survivors Network Switzerland Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Belgium Handicap International - France United Nations United Nations United Nations Office of Project Services France Handicap International - Belgium Japan Association for Aid and Relief Cranfield Mine Action The United Kingdom Canada The United Kingdom Denmark Denmark The Danish Demining Group The United Kingdom The Halo Trust United Nations United Nations Development Program Inter SOS Canadian International Demining Corps The United Nations Children's Fund Canada Italy United Nations Dan Church Aid
All Rights Reserved the Survey Action Center (SAC), Takoma Park, Maryland, United States of America Copyright 2004
Website funded by the Civil Society Institute, Boston, MA. - Last Updated: Monday, 17-May-2004 16:07 - Design by Web Horse Solutions