Executive Summary
Executive Summary


1. Background
1.1 Global Mine Survey Approach
1.2 UN Certification and Quality Assurance Monitor
1.4 CIDA Funding and Co-operation with CMAC

2. Survey Planning
2.1 Inception Mission
2.2 Liaison with the Mine Action Community in Cambodia
2.3 Developing the Questionnaire
2.4 Team Structure and Organisation

3. Survey Implementation
3.1 Selection of Surveyors
3.2 Surveyor Training
3.3 Survey Operations and Logistics
3.4 Liaison with Authorities
3.5 Village Survey Procedures
3.6 Safety
3.7 Extraordinary Issues

4. Survey Efficiency
4.1 False Negative Sampling and Adoption of the Census Approach
4.2 Cost and Efficiency of Survey Methodology

5. Quality Assurance and Quality Control       
5.1 Quality Control and Quality Assurance Procedures
5.2 Application and Results
5.3 Issues Identified and Actions Taken
5.4 Revisits and Resurvey

6.Database Operations
6.1 Database Unit
6.2 Data Input, QA and Security
6.3 Statistical Summary of Database Operations

7. External Database Linkages
7.1 National Gazeteer
7.2 Use of Topographic Maps, Satellite Images and GPS
7.3 Cambodia Mine Victim Information System
7.4 Aerial Bombing

8. Survey Integration and Access to Results
8.1 Access to Results
8.2 General Dissemination of Information
8.3 Output of Reports and Maps
8.4 End User Feedback

9. Results
9.1 Statistical Summary
9.2 Geopgraphical Extent of the Contamination
9.3 Reports of Socio-Economic Impacts
9.4 Setting Priorities

10. Lessons Learned and Recommendations
10.1 UN Certification
10.2 Survey Managers' Report
10.3 Team Leaders' Reports
10.4 Surveyor Stories

1. Team Organization
2. Surveyor Selection
3. Operations and Logistics
4. L1S Clients
5. Relations with CMAC and CMAA
7. QA/QC Field Checks
8. Chronology and Distribution of QA Checks
9. Gender-Related Issues
10. Standard Operating Procedures
11. Memorandum of Understanding and Terms of Reference
12. Project Implementation Calendar
13. Suggested Revisions to the Questionnaire
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