Survey Action Center
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ASM Planned
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Complete Surveys

- Completed Surveys - Chad


The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), following a joint, interdisciplinary assessment mission to Chad, issued a formal request for a survey to the Survey Action Center (SAC). SAC contracted Handicap International/France to perform an Advance Survey Mission (ASM) in July 1999. The ASM reconfirmed the findings of the UN mission and SAC developed a country plan.


The US Department of State (US DOS), the Department for International Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom, Handicap International/France, Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation and and the United Nations Foundation are funding the Chad survey.

Implementing Organization

SAC subcontracted Handicap International/France (HI), a member of the Survey Working Group (SWG), to implement the Landmine Impact Survey (LIS) in Chad. The UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) provided the Quality Assurance Monitoring (QAM).

Field survey team members

Team Leader
Marc Lucet
Deputy Team Leader
Kim Spurway
Information Officer
Frederic Coussigh
Admin/Logistics Officer
Eric Rouyez
UNOPS Quality Assurance Monitor
Alan Trevor

Operational Status

HI/France deployed the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader to N'Djamena in late November 1999. The Administration and Handicap InternationalLogistics Officer followed in December and the Information Management Officer in January 2000. The team secured facilities and established working relationships with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Chadian Commission for National Demining (HCND). SAC and HI/Chad negotiated and signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the government of Chad in February 2000. At the same time they began recruiting, hiring and training national staff (Phase I - Planning, Preparation and Establishment).

The team secured facilities and established working relationships with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the High Commission for National Demining (HCND)Chadian Commission for National Demining (HCND). SAC and HI/Chad negotiated and signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the government of Chad in February 2000. At the same time they began recruiting, hiring and training national staff (Phase I - Planning, Preparation and Establishment).

Training of Supervisors, Field Editors and Enumerators was conducted from mid-March through early May 2000. SAC Planning Officer Bill Barron traveled to Chad during August and assisted HI in conduct of the Operational Review following the Pilot Survey. The survey then has deployed trained teams to five major regions in Chad.

Data collection started in the northern and northwestern regions of the country in the beginning of September. Data collection then followed in the southern, eastern and central regions after the rainy season at the end of September. Survey Operations was completed in May 2001 and certified by the United Nations Certification Committee chaired by United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) in August 2001.

At the request of HCND in Chad, SAC and Cranfield University Mine Action (CMA) began a Survey Utilization Project (SUP) in April of 2001. The intent of the SUP is to facilitate HCND development of a nation strategic mine action plan.

More Information

For more information about the Chad Survey, feel free to contact the Survey Action Center (SAC) or Handicap-International (HI).

Survey Action Center
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
Takoma Park, MD 20912
United States of America
Phone: +1.301.891.9192
Fax: +1.301.891.9193

Handicap International
14 Avenue Berthelot
F-69361 Lyon CEDEX 07
Phone: 33 (0)4 78 69 79 79
Fax: 33 (0)4 78 69 79 94



Quick Survey Overview

Chad LIS Results

$ 527,000
$ 347,000
$ 688,900
HI France
$ 150,000
$ 84,000
$ 1,842,000

HI - France
$ 1,494,000
$ 169,000
$ 179,000
$ 1,842,000

Formal UN Request for Survey
May 99
Advanced Survey Mission
July 99
Survey Operations Draft Plan
Sept 99
Commence Operations
Nov 99
Survey Team Arrival
Dec 99

MoU Signed

Feb 00
March 00
Pilot Study
Aug 00
Village Level Data Collection
Aug 00
Completion Date
May 01

More Info

 Survey Action Center
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
Takoma Park, MD 20912
United States of America

Survey Working Group United States of America United States of America Sweden Norway Afghanistan Germany GeoSpatial International Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation Swedish Rescue Services Agency United Nations Mine Action Service Norwegian Peoples Aid Mines  Advisory Group Mine Clearance Planning Agency MEDICO International Landmine Survivors Network Switzerland Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Belgium Handicap International - France United Nations United Nations United Nations Office of Project Services France Handicap International - Belgium Japan Association for Aid and Relief Cranfield Mine Action The United Kingdom Canada The United Kingdom Denmark Denmark The Danish Demining Group The United Kingdom The Halo Trust United Nations United Nations Development Program Inter SOS Canadian International Demining Corps The United Nations Children's Fund Canada Italy United Nations Dan Church Aid

All Rights Reserved the Survey Action Center (SAC), Takoma Park, Maryland, United States of America © Copyright 2004
Website funded by the Civil Society Institute, Boston, MA.- Last Updated: Monday, 17-May-2004 11:31