Important Information Concerning this Document

The final report for the Cambodia National Level One Survey has been developed in web format, and delivered on CD-ROM. This format adds of ease of use, portability, and greatly enhanced interaction with the reader.

This document operates in the same manner as any website you visit on the Internet. Throughout the document there are links taking you to other sections relating to the topic you are reading. At the end of each section there are links taking you forward to the next section of the document, back to the section you were reading, or the option of returning to the table of contents.

The final report was developed to be optimally viewed at a screen resolution of 800 x 600, but can be viewed at any resolution you wish. The report has also been formatted for printing directly from your web browser.

The following is required in order to take full advantage of all documents, maps, and other files contained within the report:

If you do not have Acrobat Reader, click here to be taken to Adobe's website to download the free Acrobat Reader.

The maps included with this document make extensive use of geometric map symbols and fonts specific to the Khmer language. Included on the CD in a directory named "Fonts", are all fonts required for the Khmer language and map symbols to display correctly.

Installing new fonts from the Control Panel:
  1. Open the Control Panel, and double-click the icon called Fonts.
  2. On the File menu, click Install New Font.
  3. Select the letter for your CD drive, and select the folder called Fonts.
  4. Select all the fonts in this folder and click OK.


Users of Windows2000, WindowsXP and WindowsNT will require administrative priviledges to install fonts on their computer.

GeoSpatial International Inc.

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