Survey Action Center
Photo - People in Thailand
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GIS/DB Officer
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Azerbaijan (Completed)
Somalia (Phase 2)


About Us - Staff - Overseas - Angola (AGO)

Mohammad Qasim
GIS & Database Officer
Luanda, Angola

Main Responsiblities

As GIS and Database Officer for Angola, Qasim is responsible for maintaining and managing the SAC Geographic Information System and all contained map datasets as well as the survey database. This includes, mapping suspected landmine areas based on survey interviews and producing statistical reports and maps as requested, as well as training national GIS staff on the use of the IMSMA and related GIS applications. In addition, he coordinates with local UN and Mine Action centers regarding data sharing and with SAC HQ and GICHD regarding IMSMA.


Qasim has been working for mine action mainly in the information management department for almost 8 years. He started working as a database technician for the Mine Clearance Planning Agency (MCPA) in Pakistan in 1996 where he was responsible for database management, coordination and updating of demining information. Then in 1998 he transitioned into the position of Geographic Information System Officer where he managed the GIS components of mine-field and general mapping. In 2001, he began working with the United Nations Mine Action Center for Afghanistan (UNMACA) as the Local Area Network Officer and eventually became the GIS Specialist at the center in 2002 where he was responsible for maintaining the GIS components of the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA). After spending a year in this position, he transferred to the role of IMSMA/Information Management Associate where he spent another year working with UNOPS/UNMACA serving as the database administrator and trainer for IMSMA. He is responsible for the full data migration of 12 years of mine action data from the old system in Afghanistan to the update IMSMA system. He has conducted over 20 successful trainings of IT and OPS personnel and modified and created new reporting tools for IMSMA.


Qasim received a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science from the School of Business and Commerce at Preston University USA at their campus in Islamabad, Pakistan. He also received a Masters of Science in Information Technology from the same university. He has spent almost 1 year and taken six online exams toward Microsoft Certified System Engineers (MCSE) certification with a focus on networking. His native language is Pashto, he is fluent in Persian, English, and Urdu, and has an intermediate level of Arabic.


Mohammad Qasim - Angola LIS GIS/Mapping Officer

 More Info
 Survey Action Center
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
Takoma Park, MD 20912
United States of America



Survey Working Group United States of America United States of America Sweden Norway Afghanistan Germany GeoSpatial International Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation Swedish Rescue Services Agency United Nations Mine Action Service Norwegian Peoples Aid Mines  Advisory Group Mine Clearance Planning Agency MEDICO International Landmine Survivors Network Switzerland Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Belgium Handicap International - France United Nations United Nations United Nations Office of Project Services France Handicap International - Belgium Japan Association for Aid and Relief Cranfield Mine Action The United Kingdom Canada The United Kingdom Denmark Denmark The Danish Demining Group The United Kingdom The Halo Trust United Nations United Nations Development Program Inter SOS Canadian International Demining Corps The United Nations Children's Fund Canada Italy United Nations Dan Church Aid

All Rights Reserved the Survey Action Center (SAC), Takoma Park, Maryland, United States of America © Copyright 2004
Website funded by the Civil Society Institute, Boston, MA. - Last Updated: Monday, 17-May-2004 12:07