Survey Action Center
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ASM Planned
Ongoing  Surveys
Complete Surveys

Completed Surveys - Azerbaijan


In August 2002, SAC signed an agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the implementation of the survey in Azerbaijan. The Survey Action Center (SAC) began work on the project in early September and has worked closely with its local implementing partners, the International Eurasian Press Fund (IEPF), an Azeri NGO with mine impact survey experience, and the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA), the governmental unit tasked with coordinating mine action in Azerbaijan.


This survey was funded by the European Community (EC) through the UNDP country office in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Implementing Organization

A SAC team resided in Baku to manage the survey. Under contract to SAC, the International Eurasia Press Fund (IEPF) carried out the data collection. The Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) provided technical support and facilities to the LIS.

Quality Assurance

The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) provided the Quality Assurance Monitor (QAM).

The Field Survey Team

Team Leader
Allen Jelich
GIS & Mapping Officer
Judith van Daalen
Admin/Finance Officer (last 8mos)
Begona Fontan Pena
Admin/Finance Officer (first 2mos)
Johan Smith
UNMAS Quality Assurance Monitor
Stuart Maslen

Operational Status

The SAC team attended orientation sessions in the Takoma Park office in early September 2002 and left for Baku on September 9 to commence the project. Click here to meet the SAC staff (Allen, Judith, and Johan). Begona replaced Johan for a majority of the survey.

Senior staff training of ten IEPF staff (five supervisors and five field editors) and two ANAMA data entry staff was held in Baku between September 30th and October 8th. The training was conducted primarily by Saeed Ahmad, social scientist, and Tom Haythornthwaite, GIS specialist, both from SAC-HQ. It covered all aspects of the AZE LIS and was held in the Azeri language through local translators. The SAC GIS officer in Baku has trained the three data entry staff.

Expert Opinion Collection (EOC) was conducted from 21 October to 8 November. The QAM coordinated his first intervention to coincide with this EOC.

Interviewer training of 20 IEPF interviewers took place at IEPF’s office in Ganja from November 14-21. The training, conducted by three IEPF supervisors (participants in the earlier SAC senior staff training) developed the curriculum and implemented the training. The training covered theoretical and practical aspects of LIS, and included sessions on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), IMSMA, mapping, mine safety, and first aid provided by ANAMA. The formal training was followed by the three-day pilot test during which interviewers practiced their interview skills.

The survey pilot test took place following the interviewer training between November 26th and 28th in 29 villages in the districts of Terter and Geranboy. During the pilot test ten interviewer teams, each accompanied by a senior staff observer (supervisor or field editor), conducted the interviews. After returning to base (IEPF’s Ganja office) each day, each group (two teams, supervisor and field editor) met separately to discuss how the interview went. This was followed by a joint daily wrap-up session where group discussions were summarized. No need for re-training of the interviewers was found necessary.

The second QAM intervention occurred from 20 November to 6 December. He attended interviews during the first two days of pilot tests to witness the implementation of the survey instruments.

Data collection began on 7 December, three weeks ahead of schedule and ended in April 2003. The third and fourth QAM intervention occurred from 26 February to 12 March and from 1-9 May, respectively.

From May to July 2003, a 5-day strategic planning workshop was held, data analysis and report writing occurred, a fifth QAM intervention was held, and staff/office phase-out was completed.

More Information

To learn more about Landmine Impact Survey (LIS) activities in Azerbaijan feel free to contact us.

Quick Survey Overview

LIS Documents

European Community
$ 1,236,000
$ 1,236,000


IEPF (data collection)
$ 235,500
SAC (tech support)
$ 541,200
UNDP (equip. & support)
$ 440,100
CMA (strategic planning)
$ 14,800
$ 4,400
$ 1,236,000

Advanced Survey Mission
Dec 00
Proposal Submission to EC
Jun 01
Funding Agreement
Mar 02
Contract Approval
Aug 02
SAC team arrives in Baku
Sep 02
Expert Opinion Collection
Oct 02
Interviewer Training
Nov 02
Data Collection begins
Dec 02
Data Collection ends
Apr 03
Baku office closes
Jul 03
Final Report and Certification
Jan 04

More Info

 Survey Action Center
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
Takoma Park, MD 20912
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Survey Working Group United States of America United States of America Sweden Norway Afghanistan Germany GeoSpatial International Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation Swedish Rescue Services Agency United Nations Mine Action Service Norwegian Peoples Aid Mines  Advisory Group Mine Clearance Planning Agency MEDICO International Landmine Survivors Network Switzerland Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Belgium Handicap International - France United Nations United Nations United Nations Office of Project Services France Handicap International - Belgium Japan Association for Aid and Relief Cranfield Mine Action The United Kingdom Canada The United Kingdom Denmark Denmark The Danish Demining Group The United Kingdom The Halo Trust United Nations United Nations Development Program Inter SOS Canadian International Demining Corps The United Nations Children's Fund Canada Italy United Nations Dan Church Aid

All Rights Reserved the Survey Action Center (SAC), Takoma Park, Maryland, United States of America © Copyright 2004
Website funded by the Civil Society Institute, Boston, MA.- Last Updated: Tuesday, 18-May-2004 10:14